8th International Workshop on Applications and
Services in Wireless Networks

October 9th – 10th, 2008 in Kassel, Germany

Co-sponsored by


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  Authors guidelines
The proceedings will be published at IEEE CPS as book with ISBN. All papers will also appear at IEEE-XploreTM and the IEEE Computer Society (CSDL) digital libraries.

Paper submissions should be a maximum of 10 pages, must be written in English, and submitted in PDF format. The manuscript must follow IEEE two-column format.

For detailed information please refer to the IEEE Author Tools.

To access the ConfTool Conference Management System use this link: ConfTool Conference Management System.

If your paper is accepted, then please do the following:

  • work in the reviewers comments and create a camera ready version of the paper
  • access the copyright form here, fill it out, sign it and send it until June 27th 2008 (!) to us (via fax: +49 (561) 804-6360 or scanned copy to info@aswn2008.org)
  • register as participant of the workshop if not yet done (at least one author of the paper has to attend the workshop and to present the work in order to get your submission published in the workshop proceedings)
  • check the accomodation information here

As a presenter of a paper please do the following:

  • prepare a presentation of your work (you have 20min for presentation and 10min for discussion)
  • please send a copy of your presentation as a pdf or ppt file to info@aswn2008.org until October 6th 2008
  • As a guidline: 8-12 slides are recommended
  • please send a short CV of the presenter to info@aswn2008.org until October 6th 2008
  • a projector and a laptop will be available at the venue
  • please have a look at the programme (as soon as it is available) to find out at which time your presentation will take place

The camera ready version has to be uploaded directly to the online author kit of IEEE CPS which provides the following instructions:

  • page limitations
  • paper formatting---Please remove all page numbers.
  • paper and copyright deadlines
  • copyrights
  • reprints
  • paper submission---You will see notification regarding your successful paper transmission in the pop-up window. No additional e-mail confirmation will be mailed.

IEEE PDF eXpress is not a submission site. After reviewing your paper and checking for accuracy, authors must follow the submission instructions found at the author kit web site.

Important: Use only the recommended fonts: Times, Times Roman, Times New Roman, and Helvetica. Be sure to embed and subset all fonts.

Users of non-Windows-based systems please note the following:

  1. We have tested the online submission process and we find that, in most instances, authors who use a Windows-based system do receive notification of successful paper transmissions. Your mileage with other systems may vary but please feel free to try.
  2. Authors do not need to compose their documents using a Windows-based system.
  3. We will check all papers and notify you if we find problems with your documents or if we have not received your work.
  4. Please understand that, due to our full workload, we cannot acknowledge receipt of paper and copyright form. We will contact you only if problems arise.
  5. Getting pdflatex to generate embedded fonts for the 14 standard ones, you may wish to access this Web site: http://users.rsise.anu.edu.au/~luke/embedded_fonts.html

(These instructions are for Linux-based systems, but the basic information (the name of the file to edit, what changes to make to it, and what to do to update the other associated configuration files) applies to a Windows-based system.)

You can access this author kit as follows:


Look forward to receiving your contribution!

Only IEEE Xplore-compliant PDF files can be accepted for final paper submissions.

Visit this link to get the complete the complete IEEE PDF specification: http://www.ieee.org/portal/cms_docs/pubs/confstandards/pdfs/IEEE-PDF-SpecV401.pdf


Last update: 23.10.2008