2nd Workshop on emotion awareness for pervasive computing
with mobile and wearable devices
In conjunction with 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2018), March 19-23, 2018, in Athens, Greece.
An important goal of pervasive computing is to seamlessly integrate computer devices into the users’ everyday life. This allows context aware applications to gather information about the users to support them in their daily tasks. A newly attractive source of information for pervasive computing is provided by mobile and wearable devices able to detect the emotional state of the users. In many real-world scenarios, it is essential to use wearable sensors, embedded in mobile devices such as smartphones and smartwatches, to measure the emotional state of the user. This would help to understand how emotions influence processes such as decision making and reasoning. However, emotion recognition has proved to be a complex and challenging task regarding the following aspects: sensing modalities, data analysis, and its application in real life.
While there have been, many contributions targeting some of these challenges, there are still unsolved problems. The proposed workshop will explore the challenges of the sensing, modeling, recognition, and synthesis of emotions by using embedded sensors in smartphones and wearable devices for pervasive computing. We aim to have unique contributions addressing these challenges and provide a discussion space to facilitate collaboration among researchers interested in emotion recognition for pervasive computing.
Registration is managed by the PerCom 2018 registration chair. More ...
Workshop paper submissions:
extended to November 19, 2017
Paper notifications: December 23, 2017
Camera ready: January 12, 2018
Template: IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings More..
Page limit: 6 pages
Submission: via EDAS.
All accepted submissions must be presented at the EmotionAware 2018 workshop.
The 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2018), March 19-23, 2018, in Athens, Greece. More ...
Prof. Dr. Klaus David (Kassel University, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Tadashi Okoshi (Keio University, Japan)
Dr. Isabel Hübener (Kassel University, Germany)