EmotionAware 2018

2nd Workshop on emotion awareness for pervasive computing
with mobile and wearable devices

In conjunction with 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2018), March 19-23, 2018, in Athens, Greece.

Technical Program


An important goal of pervasive computing is to seamlessly integrate computer devices into the users’ everyday life. This allows context aware applications to gather information about the users to support them in their daily tasks. A newly attractive source of information for pervasive computing is provided by mobile and wearable devices able to detect the emotional state of the users. In many real-world scenarios, it is essential to use wearable sensors, embedded in mobile devices such as smartphones and smartwatches, to measure the emotional state of the user. This would help to understand how emotions influence processes such as decision making and reasoning. However, emotion recognition has proved to be a complex and challenging task regarding the following aspects: sensing modalities, data analysis, and its application in real life.

  1. Sensing Modalities – what to sense and what kind of sensors can be used? Physical sensors in mobile devices or biosensors in wearable devices are currently available.
  2. Data analysis – different approaches to emotion recognition are based on different types of collected data.
  3. Application – How to effectively use the emotion information in pervasive computing and context-aware applications.

While there have been, many contributions targeting some of these challenges, there are still unsolved problems. The proposed workshop will explore the challenges of the sensing, modeling, recognition, and synthesis of emotions by using embedded sensors in smartphones and wearable devices for pervasive computing. We aim to have unique contributions addressing these challenges and provide a discussion space to facilitate collaboration among researchers interested in emotion recognition for pervasive computing.

Topics of interests include, but are not limited to the following areas:

  • Theory, experimental design, computational models, algorithms, and evolutional investigation in emotion detection for pervasive computing.
  • Emotion representations and signal characteristics that describe and identify emotions.
  • Mobile data measurement and collection platforms for emotion detection.
  • Approaches to obtain reliable ground truth and/or affective data annotation for emotion research.
  • Emotion detection algorithms/approaches using data collected with mobile devices and wearable devices.
  • User studies and evaluation techniques for emotion detection and automated systems that model and detect emotions.
  • Awareness of emotions in collaboration or crowdsourcing./li>
  • The novel use of emotion information in the pervasive computing applications.
  • The application of emotion information for the work-life balance.
  • The combined research of emotion recognition and artificial intelligence (AI).
  • The investigation of the human-robot interaction.


Registration is managed by the PerCom 2018 registration chair. More ...

Program Committee

  • Dr. Chelsea Dobbins (Department of Computer Science, Liverpool John Moores University, UK)
  • Prof. Klaus David (Chair for Communication Technology (ComTec), University of Kassel, Germany)
  • Prof. Andrea Gaggioli (Department of Psychology, Catholic University of Milan, Italy)
  • Prof. Hatice Gunes (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK)
  • Dr. Isabel Hübener (Chair for Communication Technology (ComTec), University of Kassel, Germany)
  • Prof. Bernd Radig (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
  • Prof. Dr. Sandra Ohly (Business Psychology Group, University of Kassel, Germany)
  • Prof. Dr. Tadashi Okoshi (Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Japan)
  • Prof. Björn W. Schuller (Chair of Complex and Intelligent Systems, University of Passau, Germany)

Important Dates

Workshop paper submissions:
extended to November 19, 2017
Paper notifications: December 23, 2017
Camera ready: January 12, 2018

Submission Instructions

Template: IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings More..
Page limit: 6 pages
Submission: via EDAS.
All accepted submissions must be presented at the EmotionAware 2018 workshop.

PerCom 2018

The 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2018), March 19-23, 2018, in Athens, Greece. More ...


Prof. Dr. Klaus David (Kassel University, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Tadashi Okoshi (Keio University, Japan)
Dr. Isabel Hübener (Kassel University, Germany)

Past Events

EmotionAware 2017