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< WWRF 37 conference "New Businesses empowered by 5G" - jetzt registrieren
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WWRF37 conference: „New Businesses empowered by 5G“ - register now

5.-7. October 2016 at the University of Kassel, Germany

New Businesses empowered by 5G

The fast pace of digitization is having a major impact on what are known as ‘vertical’ industries, including health, transport, logistics, manufacturing and energy, and in environments such as smart cities and in the education and public information sectors. This is providing opportunities for the ICT industry together with these vertical industries and new players to bring to the market new and innovative solutions. It is clear that 5G is going to be a key enabler of this transformation, accommodating the diverse connectivity, storage and processing needs in each of these industry sectors. Each new direction for 5G, from enhanced mobile broadband to massive connectivity supporting the Internet of Things, and high-reliability low-latency connections to provide secure real-time control applications, provides opportunities for vertical industries to exploit these enhanced capabilities. Fundamental advances, such as the concept of network slicing, will enable 5G to be provided as a ‘system of systems’ to such a wide range of customers. Supporting this will be a new community of developers and entrepreneurs to implement a new wave of technology innovation of the vertical applications. WWRF is at the heart of this process, with its Vertical Industry Platforms creating a bridge between the ICT and vertical industries, and providing opportunities in its meetings to promote and discuss new developments.

At our meeting in Kassel on 5-7 October we are providing workshop, invited talks and contributed technical papers on this very subject.



The three-day program will provide workshops, invited talks and contributed technical papers on "New Businesses empowered by 5G". The program will include:

·     more than 10 invited speakers:

o   Markus Kreitmeier (EnOcean) - IoT facilitated by Enocean: Technology, Applications and Businesss Cases

o   Werner Mohr (Nokia) - Societal impact of 5G

o   Howard Benn (Samsung) -5G Mobile Communications - Key Enabling Technologies and Recent R&D Results

o   Ibrahim Rashdan (DLR) - ITS-G5 Challenges and 5G Solutions for Vehicular Platooning

o   Rajen Akalu (Univ. Ontario) - Privacy and Connected Vehicles

o   Andrea Tassi (Univ. Bristol) - Millimetre-Wave Networks for Vehicular

o   Konstantinos Manolakis, Wen Xu (Huawei) - Architecture, Technologies and Use Cases for 5G V2X Systems


·       Tutorial - Key Technologies for 5G 

·       There will be sessions on:

o   connected vehicles

o   mobile health

o   millennium users

o   internet of things


For further information and registration, please visit: