Kategorie: Öffentlichkeit
Von: Klaus David
Associate Prof. Dr. Sian Lun Lau (Malaysia) zu Gast bei ComTec
Am 20.9.2019 war Prof. Sian Lun Lau, Sunway University, Malaysia, Gast bei ComTec. Dabei konnten viele, sehr interessante Diskussionen für zukünftige Zusammenarbeiten geführt werden.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sian Lun Lau received both his MSc and Dr.-Ing. at the University of Kassel, Germany, where he worked as a full-time researcher since year 2004. He has contributed and managed various German national as well as EU funded projects, such as EU FP6 MobiLife, ITEA S4ALL, BMBF Matrix and EU FP7 SEAM4US. Since February 2013, he has returned to his home country and took up the position of the Head of Department at the Department of Computing and Information Systems, Sunway University. He continues active research and has published over 60 publications in conferences, workshops, book chapters as well as journals. He is currently a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). His research interests include ubiquitous computing, sustainable smart city, context-awareness and applied machine learning.
Sunway University
The short presentation introduces the Department of Computing and Information Systems at Sunway University and its current research foci surround topics related to smart and sustainable city. After the introduction, the second half of the presentation will share some of my recent projects and research. The presentation will end with Q&A and brainstorm on possible collaboration between both universities.