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ComTec auf der EuCNC: "5G Based Collision Avoidance - Benefit from Unobtrusive Activities"

Michel Morold auf der EuCNC

Das Fachgebiet Kommunikationstechnik stellte auf der EuCNC2018 in Ljubljana Ansätze zur Erkennung von unauffälligen Aktivitäten von Fußgängern im Straßenverkehr für 5G basierte Kollisionswarnsysteme für Fußgänger vor.

A. Jahn, M. Morold, and K. David, “5G Based Collision Avoidance - Benefit from Unobtrusive Activities,” in Proc. 2018 27th European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 2018, pp. 513–517.


Every year many vulnerable road users (VRUs), such as pedestrians or bicyclists, are killed or seriously injured in traffic accidents. To reduce the number of such traffic accidents several research groups are working on different solutions. The approach presented in this paper is based on wireless communications such as WLAN and 5G/LTE and a “context filter.” The “context filter” identifies vulnerable road users in potentially dangerous situations based on several inputs (e.g., location, movement direction). An identified dangerous situation is communicated between VRUs and cars using wireless communication. As one interesting context for identifying dangerous situations, this paper investigates how to recognize pedestrians stepping onto the road. Utilizing smartphone sensor data, the investigated approaches address three key challenges: inconsistent sensor data, overrepresentation of periodic activities, as well as the evaluation of the recognition. For each challenge, a possible solution is proposed. The results indicate that recognizing the “stepping onto the road” is possible and support the overall 5G based collision avoidance system.