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< ComTec auf dem IT-Forum Nordhessen
Kategorie: Öffentlichkeit
Von: Michael Wojtek, Susanne Lacroix-Mehrmann

Vortragsankündigung: Prof. Dr. Yoshito Tobe

Professor Dr. Yoshito Tobe, Department of Integrated Information Technology, College of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakui Univerisity


(A) Investigation of Dynamic Control of Learning Materials Based on Brain Waves

(B) Human-Robot Personal Space Evaluated with Biological Information Emotion Estimation Method


(A) In conventional learning systems, the learning contents are created by somebody or a group of experts and provided to the students in a uniform way. Recent trend of computer-based learning materials can facilitate flexible configuration of learning materials. In this work, we propose OKAGE, a computer-based learning system in which the content of learning dynamically changes depending on the student's concentration level. We drive the concentration level using EEG.

(B) Recetly, interactive robots have been widely used around the world. In the field of this research, nonverbal communication is expected to play an important role in interactions between humans and robots. We hypothesized that if a robot maintains a comfortable distance to humans they will be more readily accepted. Generally, the idea of personal space (PS) is defined as the invisible boundary between humans, modifiable by intimacy. If violated the lack of personal space creates a feeling of discomfort. Human-robot personal space is not necessarily the same as human-human personal space. We focus on the human-robot personal space and seek to understand how people experience violation of personal space by robots. Previous studies investigated how people feel when a robot violated their personal space by observing their heart rate. However, specific feelings are difficult to determine just by using heart rate. This work investigates the emotions generated when a robot moves into someone’s personal space by using an emotion estimation method, which maps values obtained from heartbeat and brain waves to Russell's circumplex model of affect.

Degrees and Educational Background

Ph.D., Media and Governance, Keio University January 2000

Master of Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University May 1992

Master of Engineering, Electrical Engineering, the University of Tokyo March 1986 Employment


Professor April 2012 - Aoyama Gakuin University

Professor October 2003 – March 2012 Tokyo Denki University

Associate Professor April 2002 - September 2003 Tokyo Denki University Associate Professor April 2000 - March 2002 Keio University

Research Staff April 1997 - March 2000 Keio University

Engineer April 1986 - February 1997 Toshiba Corp. 


Achievement Award, IEICE, June 2008 - IPSJ DPS Paper Award, December 2000

Freitag, 16.11.2018, 10:00 Uhr

ComTec Besprechungsraum 2413, WA 73