Kategorie: Allgemeines
Von: Klaus David
ComTec auf der UbiComp: “A Survey of Attention Management Systems in Ubiquitous Computing Environments"
Vom 8.–12. Oktober 2018, fand in Singapur die UbiComp 2018 statt. Diese renommierte Konferenz ist eine der führenden Konferenzen auf dem Gebiet interdisziplinärer Forschung sowie zu allen Aspekten des ubiquitären und allgegenwärtigen Computings. Auf der Hauptkonferenz konnte das Fachgebiet Kommunikationstechnik die Ergebnisse im Bereich der automatisierten Aufmerksamkeitsverwaltung vorstellen. In seinem Vortrag präsentierte Christoph Anderson zusammenfassend die aktuelle Forschung in diesem Bereich und gab weitere Einblicke für zukünftige Forschungstätigkeiten.
C. Anderson, I. Hübener, A.-K. Seipp, S. Ohly, K. David, and V. Pejovic, “A Survey of Attention Management Systems in Ubiquitous Computing Environments,” Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable Ubiquitous Technology, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 1–27, Jun. 2018.
Today's information and communication devices provide always-on connectivity, instant access to an endless repository of information, and represent the most direct point of contact to almost any person in the world. Despite these advantages, devices such as smartphones or personal computers lead to the phenomenon of attention fragmentation, continuously interrupting individuals' activities and tasks with notifications. Attention management systems aim to provide active support in such scenarios, managing interruptions, for example, by postponing notifications to opportune moments for information delivery. In this article, we review attention management system research with a particular focus on ubiquitous computing environments. We first examine cognitive theories of attention and extract guidelines for practical attention management systems. Mathematical models of human attention are at the core of these systems, and in this article, we review sensing and machine learning techniques that make such models possible. We then discuss design challenges towards the implementation of such systems, and finally, we investigate future directions in this area, paving the way for new approaches and systems supporting users in their attention management.