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< Vortragsankündigung: Flora Salim beim Research Talk ComTec/ITeG
Kategorie: Allgemeines
Von: Klaus David

Call for Papers: 41st Wireless World Research Forum

The 41st Wireless World Research Forum meeting in Herning, Denmark, is a new departure, extending the Forum’s reach beyond the technological paradigm. The theme, Future Technologies for Business Ecosystem Innovation, not only encompasses technology, but also associates it to the relevant business domains, toegether defined as the Business Ecosystem. We therefore invite academics, researchers and industrial representatives to share their views and present technical results on future technologies, business models and ecosystems, to discuss critical business and regulatory aspects, and to present advanced technology findings that will impact the future socio-techno-economic systems. Technical papers describing recent research results and disruptive innovations in technologies, regulatory positions and business models are welcomed, as well as those identifying key research challenges and opportunities ahead. Contributions within the areas of WWRF’s existing Vertical Industry Platforms (VIPs), Working Groups (WGs), and within the theme’s domain are especially welcome.

WWRF 41 will also feature invited special sessions on hot topics.

All contributions that are accepted and presented at the event will be published on the WWRF website, and selected full papers of WWRF41 will also be included in a special issue of IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. Moreover, selected contributions qualify for being part of WWRF Outlook series, the next edition of WWRF’s Book of Visions or for a new volumes in the WWRF Book Series.

Important Dates:

Submission of extended abstracts: August 26, 2018

Notification of acceptance: September 10,  2018

Full papers (optional): September 24,  2018

Event: October 29-November 1, 2018

More information about the event and the guidelines for the call for papers can be found on the WWRF 41 web page

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